This morning we headed out looking for a fast internet connection to place some orders and call family. The connection at the marina can get a bit sluggish especially when the cruise ships come in.  

When we got into town the first thing we noticed is that it was eerily quiet and everything was closed – including our favorite coffee shop. Everyone must have been sleeping in or at church. Luckily, Starbucks doesn’t seem to follow local custom and we got a great connection for the price of a cup of coffee. 

By the time we left at lunch time it was time to head to our favorite taco shop which was jam packed. We were serenaded by mariachi (actually it’s banda around here) bands and watched the commotion at the fish market. The fish scale is always entertaining as there is usually a group of men trying to pack as many slippery fish as possible onto a flat surface. 

By the time we got back to the boat there was just enough time to pull Mike up the mast to replace our anchor light with a new LED light, attach some spreader boots, and add reflective tape to the top of the mast. We hope the reflective tape will help us find our boat in a dark anchorage. The concept being that rather than shine our flashlight into the other boats’ windows, we shine the flashlight up high and our unique markings will guide us home.