Shortly after posting the last post we found out that we would be heading to Northern Michigan for the summer for work. Having never seen the Great Lakes we were excited to go and left Limerick’s many projects unfinished. We spent most of the nearly four months there on a small landmass in the middle of Lake Michigan – Beaver Island. I had heard about the amazingly clear water of the Great Lakes but I did not think there would be white sand beaches with water-colors more reminiscent of our trip to the Bahamas than the Midwest.
Verena and her co-worker were interviewed on a local radio station to explain what we were doing in the area. You can listen to the interview here.

When we returned to Washington it was time to get back to work on replacing Limerick’s diesel tanks (check out part one of the diesel tank project here). Or so I thought. Since access was greatly improved with the tanks removed, “just cleaning up a few wires” has quickly morphed into redoing the entire electrical system on board as well as replacing all steering and propane hoses. The boat quickly became uninhabitable and we are currently renting a house for the winter months. We hope to be able to move back aboard in March and do some cruising this year.
We’re always trying to find good deals on things we need for the boat, but our greatest find so far has been a new inverter-charger that goes for $1,150 at the marine store. We found the same unit on Amazon for just $250!

We’ve been trying to go on daily hikes so we don’t forget why we want to get the boat back up and running soon!

For many more photos of the boat projects as well as our adventures please visit our photo albums.

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