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Apr23, 2016

From the Interstate to the San Juan Islands

By |California, Minivan Life, Pacific Northwest, Trawler Cruising|

After three weeks in sunny San Diego it was time to head back to the boat.... One of the reasons we made the trip to San Diego was to pick up our cargo trailer full of boat and household stuff.  We took full advantage of having access to a garage to go through all of our things and re-organize. When we sold Camille we didn't have much time or space and pretty much just tossed everything into the trailer. We had planned [...]

Apr3, 2016

Road Trip!

By |California, Housesitting, Minivan Life|

After finally getting out of the boatyard (after 30 days.... we had planned on 3 days) we needed a little vacation from the boat. So we found a covered slip, got her all tucked in and hightailed it to San Diego in our mini van to visit with friends and family. Pulling thru Portlandia we gave a little wave to our old cubicles. Made it to California! Good to see so much snow on Mount Shasta. 750 miles to go... [...]

Feb3, 2016

Privacy in a Fishbowl

By |Pacific Northwest, Projects, Tips & Organizing|

Living in a trawler is like living in a giant fishbowl. I love it! My biggest complaint about our sailboat was not having any windows to enjoy the view. Of course with all these great views looking out, you get a lot of curious people looking in. At night we like to be able to get some privacy but our living/dining/galley room had no blinds or curtains. The aft stateroom already had honeycomb blinds similar to these and we [...]

Jan21, 2016

Jones Island

By |Pacific Northwest|

For $200 you can get an entire year of mooring and docking in Washington's state parks. That is a great bargain especially if you don't limit your cruising to the summer. Turns out few people actually cruise in the winter and we have had every anchorage to ourselves so far. We spent a few sunny days at Jones Island before the weather turned ugly and drove us into port.The floating docks are removed in winter but [...]

Jan15, 2016

Dealing with Condensation

By |Pacific Northwest, Projects, Tips & Organizing, Trawler Cruising|

When we cruised Mexico aboard Camille we had very few issues with moisture and condensation. Baja is a desert and the windows were always open to keep the air flowing. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have the opposite: rain, cold, and closed windows at night. A cushion resting against the hull will be damp in no time. The diesel heater helps to dry things out at anchor. When we are at the dock, we use [...]

Jan11, 2016

Shake-down Cruise

By |Pacific Northwest, Trawler Cruising|

Before we decide what gear to add (or remove) from Limerick we are taking her out on a shake-down cruise for a few weeks and getting to know her. From Seattle we headed up to the San Juan Islands with a stop-over in Mystery Bay near Port Townsend. The past few of days were like summer in January. Well, maybe not as warm - we sure love the Webasto heater the previous owner installed! There is a small system pulling through [...]

Dec31, 2015

Maiden Voyage Aboard Limerick

By |Pacific Northwest, Trawler Cruising|

A couple of days ago we "set sail" for the first time aboard "Limerick" and left the Kipsap Peninsula in our wake headed for Seattle.It was about 40 degrees out but we were snug in our heated cabin while navigating the Sound. What a change from a sailboat! The other thing we noticed (aside from being toasty warm and inside) was that our cruising speed was twice that of Camille. And they say trawlers are slow.We had less than 20 miles to go but [...]

Dec27, 2015

The Next Chapter: Our New Boat

By |Pacific Northwest, Trawler Cruising|

A couple of days before Christmas we finally moved aboard our new boat. It took us a while to figure out what we wanted to do after selling Camille a year and a half ago. We considered buying a house with some land, traveling by land, moving to Europe, etc. We came back up to the Pacific Northwest to look at some properties and spent a couple of weeks house shopping. But every time we drove past a marina we talked about [...]

Nov19, 2015

How to Get Free Kindle Books

By |Pacific Northwest, Projects, Tips & Organizing|

Turns out your local library not only loans physical books but also virtual books! For free! It is not the most straightforward process, so I thought I would save you the trouble of having to figure it out. I can't believe I have been paying for my Kindle books for years! At over $20 every month this was really cutting into our budget (see our monthly expenses here). I love my Kindle because I can read in bed with [...]

Sep6, 2015


By |Travel|

We had a perfect flight from LAX to Panama. An entire exit row to ourselves, free meals with real silverware, large selection of recent movies and amazingly nice flight attendants. And no, this flight was not 20 years ago but just last week. And did I mention it was the only non-stop AND cheapest flight available? We could not stop grinning every time they brought us another (free!) drink. But all that ended as soon as we stepped into [...]

Apr12, 2015

What We Learned From Our First Cruising Boat

By |Mexico, Projects, Tips & Organizing, Published Articles, Trawler Cruising|

This article was also published in 48° North Magazine - a great, free sailing magazine for the Pacific Northwest. You can read it here starting on page 45. It was also published on the Women and Cruising website - a great resource for women cruisers. Click here to view my other published articles. It's been nearly a year since we sold Camille and we’re starting to think about our next boat. We've had a nice break but the sea [...]

Apr6, 2015


By |Florida, Mexico, Travel, Videos|

April finds us in Cozumel. We rented a little "villa" for the month, in a house of six units right on the water. We're living large and spending a fraction of what it cost us to camp in the Florida Keys. Cozumel is a bit more expensive than areas of Mexico we cruised aboard Camille but the current exchange rate is working in our favor. Right in front of our villa is a great place to snorkel. We even brought our inflatable [...]

Mar14, 2015

Florida Keys Camping

By |Florida, Minivan Life|

After two months of collecting and processing data for new NOAA nautical charts off Panama City Beach, we are finally traveling again. I flew out to Florida but Mike had some time and made the long drive from Seattle. He drove down to San Diego to drop off our Alaska gear (skis, down coats, etc) and picked up our kayak, and camping and snorkel gear before heading east. Our little minivan camper now has over 175,000 [...]

Jan5, 2015

Hurricane Ridge

By |Pacific Northwest|

We took the ferry over to the Olympic Peninsula for some skiing and snow-shoeing. As we headed into the mountains it was first raining, then snowing and finally we came out above the clouds to a sunshiny day and fresh snow.We stayed in a cabin on a farm in Eden Valley near Port Angeles. This is "Blue" the miniature horse.

Dec10, 2014

Our Favorite Gear

By |Minivan Life, Projects, Tips & Organizing|

Need a last-minute gift idea for the sailor in your life? Here is a little list of items that are useful on the boat every day. Also a few options for any kind of traveler or adventurer. For even more of our favorite items visit our Gear page. UNDER $20 Sarong - Not only useful to cover up on the beach but great as a lightweight beach towel and to add more shade to the cockpit. Portable [...]

Oct19, 2014

Back in the PNW

By |Pacific Northwest|

We've been back in the lower 48, in Seattle to be exact, for nearly a month. The weather has been reminiscent of being in San Diego. We lived in the PNW long enough to know that this is not normal and are enjoying every minute of the sunshine. I took the photo above on a bike ride through the Snoqualmie Valley. We already experienced the fall colors up in Alaska and get do it all over again down here. A [...]

Oct2, 2014

Heading South :: Petersburg to Seattle

By |Alaska, Fishing, Minivan Life, Pacific Northwest|

It finally stopped raining the day we had to leave Petersburg but not before Mike got in just a little more Alaska fishing.We drove aboard the M/V Taku for another overnight passage.Our room even had an opening window right on the "promenade deck."Navigating the Wrangell Narrows is not something I would want to do with a 350 foot ship! Just look at all those nav-aids!The next morning we arrived in Prince Rupert, Canada. So far we had driven 800 [...]

Sep19, 2014

Heading South :: Haines to Juneau to Petersburg

By |Alaska, Minivan Life, Pacific Northwest|

Before leaving Haines we headed back down to the river to take a few more photos of bald eagles and to hopefully get another glimpse of the brown bear (aka grizzly) that had been hanging around. Watch the video at the end of the last post! Since there are no roads to connect most of Southeast Alaska, we boarded the M/V Malaspina to take a trip down the Alaska Marine Highway.  When we came up here, back in March, we made one long ferry-trip [...]

Sep15, 2014

Heading South :: Anchorage to Haines

By |Alaska, Minivan Life, Pacific Northwest, Videos|

We left Anchorage on Saturday and drove the 700 miles to Haines in three, slow-paced days. The timing was perfect for the fall foliage and we couldn't have asked for better weather - that was until we arrived in Southeast Alaska. Since we crossed the border from Canada back into the US and into the Alaska panhandle it has been pretty standard Southeast AK rain. But it is amazingly beautiful nonetheless and still my favorite part of [...]

Sep9, 2014

New Minivan Camper Bed and Trail of Blue Ice

By |Alaska, Fishing, Minivan Life, Pacific Northwest|

It's almost time to head back south so we are getting the van ready. Picked up these bike racks to transport our new bikes and built a new bed for the van. Here are lots of photos of other ways we have set up the minivan bed in the past. On our drive up to Alaska, we didn't have a bed in the van at all since we didn't have time for a lot of stops. On [...]

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