After spending the summer on Lopez Island, Washington, we returned to the mainland for a couple more housesits. In mid-November, we flew to Barcelona, Spain with plans to bring our friends’ boat as far west in the Mediterranean as possible within our 90-day Schengen Visa allotment. We spent a week getting to know the boat, doing some maintenance, stocking up on food, and exploring the area. We made a day trip to our first Mediterranean anchorage and continued to Roses the next day. I (Verena) was last in Roses in 1992 to meet up with my grandma after my parents and I moved from Germany to the US by sailboat. It had been just as long since I’d had a proper paella. Our last stop in Spain was pure chance. We had taken a mooring ball in a small bay but after one night we were told that it was the last day of the year for the moorings and they were about to be removed for winter. We moved one bay over and found this beautiful old town.

For recent photos from our adventures see our Photo Albums. And please subscribe to our blog to be notified of our next post, which has us cruising to France.