We’ve had quite a busy year. After doing a bunch of boat projects in January and February to get Limerick ready for the cruising season in the Pacific NW, we spent March working on the rivers around New York City.

In April we launched Limerick and did a month-long shakedown around the San Juan Islands. We then headed up to the Bering Sea in Alaska to work aboard a 115′ ship.

Midnight sunset on the Bering Sea in summer.

In July we finally headed up to the warm waters of Desolation Sound in British Columbia, Canada aboard Limerick. When we returned from our cruise in October, we sold Limerick after seven years of stewardship. Right now, we’re not sure what the future holds, but I’m sure it includes another boat. Here are our favorite memories from our last summer aboard Limerick in no particular order – click to enlarge. For more photos from our adventures, organized by month and destination, check out our photo albums page.
TIP: We only used one cruising guide consistently all summer. Most of the printed cruising guides are outdated and not very useful for anchoring. These digital, interactive guides have beautiful chartlets for ALL anchorages and are updated annually. They have coverage from Olympia to the north end of Vancouver Island including the west coast of Vancouver Island. Check out our favorite cruising guides here.

Thanks for the cruising guide tip!!! We struggled with our printed guides this past summer during our first trip to Desolation. Can’t wait to start planning for 2023 with our new one. Best of luck with whatever the future is bringing your way.
It’s a great cruising guide. You will love it! Can’t wait to follow your next cruise north.
My compliments for your wonderful sailing journey!
Thank you!
Memorable…Limerick was more than just a boat, but your friend, protector. Brings back such wonderful memories aboard mi casa for years, my trawler, SANA VIDA🐚
They truly do become part of the family. Limerick will be missed.