Living in a trawler is like living in a giant fishbowl. I love it! My biggest complaint about our sailboat was not having any windows to enjoy the view. Of course with all these great views looking out, you get a lot of curious people looking in. At night we like to be able to get some privacy but our living/dining/galley room had no blinds or curtains.

The aft stateroom already had honeycomb blinds similar to these and we noticed that they did a nice job of insulating the windows — keeping the cold out when we run the heater. So while I was picking up some boat bits at Ikea the other day I found very reasonably priced blinds that looked very similar.

I took my measurements and picked up the ones that came closest to fitting. Since our windows are far from rectangular there is no way to fully cover the windows unless we get custom blinds.

Installation was straightforward after Mike picked up some stainless screws. We already have nice teak valances that mostly hide the blinds. Unfortunately, the blinds are only available in one length which is twice as long as we need.



Installing the new blinds

Installing the new blinds